June 01, 2016

30 Days Of Summer

The burn this summer
Of tender love
Like skillet on stove

Left on my finger
The fading ink
We nomore 'Blink'

And some memoirs
Captured and clicked
In things we flicked

'You. Are. Awesome.'
Said, drunken recorded calls
The reply, always, "Balls!"

Early escapes from work
Thurs and Fri
Fleeting kiss, hug you bye

0/10: my answers failed
But found victory step
In every 'yep - yep'

Damn! ..its over too soon
Left a lot to express
The Jungle Book, the Panda, the Lioness.

Similar to this: To Draw A Song

Do not read between the lines.
Rights to exaggeration and bragging reserved.
Its not how it happened; its how you remember it.
No characterisation intended
Data and information may have been skewed to suit the storyline
Everything is relative to your perspective